Final Brochure

Project Final Brochure is available in all languages. Please click the highlighted links below to read or download a copy. English Français Lietuvių kalba Română Slovenščina Türkçe

Fifth Newsletter

PRAC-MARENG FINAL CONFERENCE WAS HELD IN MARSEILLE, FRANCE The newsletter can be accessed through following the link and is available in all partners language: English Français Lietuvių kalba Română Slovenščina …

Fourth Newsletter is on the Press!

This months` newsletter invites you to our final conference! he European Conference on Communicative Approach is being hosted by the PraC-MARENG partnership. The partnership is involved in a EU funded …

4th Partner Meeting was conducted

Fourth partner meeting was held via an online conference on 12&13 April 2021 with the attendance of all partners. The tasks since from the first partner meeting was reviewed and …

Monthly meeting took place

A regular meeting via teleconference was held between partners. Important milestones and outputs are discussed and actioned. This included: Content development Assessment development Review of online materials

Content development meeting took place

Content development meeting took place to discuss the content and assessments developed. Each partners presented the content and assessments items they developed. Once these are reviewed and final, it will …

Third Newsletter is Available

Third Newsletter is now published. It covers the subjects: About the projectProgressAbout partnersWeb Platform The newsletter can be accessed through following the link and is available in all partners language: …

Third Partner Meeting took place

Third partner meeting was held via an online conference on 10&11 November 2020 with the attendance of all partners. The tasks since from the first partner meeting was reviewed and …