PraC-MARENG Conference

October 21, 2021 in Marseille, France
Sky Center La Marseillaise 2 Bis, Boulevard Euromediterranée Quai d’Arenc ,13002 Marseille
The European Conference on Communicative Approach was hosted by the PraC-MARENG partnership. The partnership is involved in a EU funded project entitled PraC-MARENG ( to present a platform for the training of seafarers in MARITIME ENGLISH across Europe by enabling practical and communicative approach with the ultimate aim of improving the level of safety at sea worldwide. The conference has created an opportunity to find partners for PraC-MARNEG project and associated EU projects and proposals.
Conference presentations are available below:
All of the powerpoint presentations used in PraC-MARENG Conference can be downloaded here: Presentations PraC-MARENG Conference
For Further Enquiry Contact:
Ms. Zeynep Aslan
Conference Secretary, European Conference on New Practical Communicative Approach in Maritime English
Tel/fax: + 90 850 288 45 00 / 760